Earthworm Jim 2 for the Mega Drive is an action-platformer developed by Shiny Entertainment and published by Playmates Interactive in 1995. Serving as a sequel to the highly acclai...
Year: 1995 Genre: Platformer
cartoon comedy genesis original game hand-drawn animations platformer run and gun science fiction side-scrollingCool Spot is a jump and run platformer created by Virgin Games originally for the Mega Drive/Genesis. It was then ported to Amiga, Master System, MS-DOS, SNES, and other systems. It was released in 1993.
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
2d genesis original game jumper licensed multi-directional platform-shooter platformer run and gunAbuse is a 2D side-scrolling sci-fi shooter developed by Crack Dot Com and published by RedHat in 1995 for DOS and Linux. It eventually made its way onto the Mac, Amiga, Acorn 32-bit, GP2X, and iPhone, to name a few.
mutants platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooter side-scrollingRisky Woods is a platformer created by the Spanish studio Zeus and published by Electronic Arts and Dinamic Software in 1992. It was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS, and Mega Drive/Genesis.
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
anime dark fantasy platform-shooter platformer run and gun side-scrolling supernaturalPredator is a shooter-action game created by Activision, based on the famous movie with Schwarzenegger. Released in 1988 by Activision and developed by Source, it is an action-pack...
aliens c64 original game jungle movies run and gun shooter side-scrolling walkaboutRoboCop is a side-scrolling shooter based on the 1987 movie. Ocean Software, a well-known computer games publisher, purchased the license for the title and sold it to Dataeast to create an arcade game.
arcade coin-op conversion cyborgs licensed movies multi-type platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooterContra Advance: The Alien Wars EX is a side-scrolling shooter game released for the Game Boy Advance in 2002. It was developed in a collaboration between Konami and TOSE and published by Konami.
2 players aliens co-op game boy advance run and gun science fiction shooter side-scrollingAlien Terminator is a sci-fi side-scrolling shooter created by Flair Software and published by Golden Zone for PC in 1997. One year before, the game was released on the SNES with the name Realm.
platform-shooter post-apocalyptic run and gun science fiction side-scrolling snesIkari Warriors is a vertical-scrolling shooter coin-op created by SNK and published in 1986. It was ported to many home platforms, including Commodore 64, Apple II, NES, and Amstrad CPC.
2 players arcade co-op coin-op conversion run and gun shooter tank vertical-scrolling walkabout warSwitchblade II is an action platformer created by Gremlin Graphics (aka Gremlin Interactive) originally for the Amiga in 1991. It was then ported to Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, and Atari Lynx.
amiga original game anime basher brawler multi-directional platform-shooter run and gunRuff 'n' Tumble is a platformer shoot 'em up developed by Wunderkind and published by Renegade Software in 1994, exclusively for the Amiga. The hero is Ruff Rogers, a guy that has to save an alien planet from the mad Dr.
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
amiga original game platform-shooter platformer run and gun side-scrollingRoboCop 2 is an action game based on the popular science fiction film released in 1990, featuring the famous cybernetic cop. Like many other movies-to-game conversions of the '90s,...
crime & punishment cyberpunk cyborgs ham mode licensed movies multi-directional platform-shooter run and gun shooterAliens: Alien 2 is a platform shooter created by Squaresoft and released exclusively in Japan for MSX computers. As you can imagine from the title, it's the official videogame base...
aliens horror licensed movies msx platform-shooter run and gun shooterDogs of War is a shooter created by Vectordean for the Atari ST and then ported to Amiga. It was published in 1989 by Elite. The game, for one or two players, is heavily inspired b...
2 players co-op jungle military multi-directional run and gun shooter top-down walkabout