
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Best Star Wars games on GamesNostalgia

The Star Wars franchise has captivated audiences for decades, and its influence on the gaming industry is undeniable. From the early days of pixelated graphics to the cutting-edge technology of today, Star Wars video games have evolved alongside the advancements in gaming hardware and software. The journey began with the release of The Empire Strikes Back for the Atari 2600 in 1982, followed by the famous Atari arcade Star Wars, a wireframe space shooter, in 1983. In 1984 Atari published another game; this time, it was the isometric adventure Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

In 1991, a Star Wars NES version was released; it's a fantastic platform adventure featuring Luke and Leia, probably the best game based on Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Two years later, one of the most popular video games ever was released. This time it was not developed by Atari. but directly by LucasArts: it was Star Wars: X-Wing, a game that changed the concept of space flight sim forever. LucasArts (aka Lucasfilm Games) continued to develop titles based on Star Wars, including the arcade flight sim Star Wars: Rebel Assault and Star Wars: TIE Fighter. The sequel to X-Wing is still considered by many the best cinematic space combat sims ever created. LucasArts created also Star Wars: Dark Forces in 1995 and the fantastic first-person shooter/RPG Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II.

Another game that deserves mention is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the RPG created by Bioware offers a compelling narrative set thousands of years before the events of the films.

The impact of Star Wars video games on the franchise's lore cannot be overstated. By exploring new stories, introducing memorable characters, and expanding on existing lore, these games have enriched the Star Wars universe and given fans even more reasons to immerse themselves in the galaxy far, far away.

Star Wars: Dark Forces dos

Star Wars: Dark Forces is a single-player first-person shooter set in the Star Wars universe, created by LucasArts Entertainment in 1995 for MS-DOS. In this game, you are a mercena...

Year: 1995 Genre: Shooter

2.5d fps imuse licensed movies science fiction shooter star wars texture map

Star Wars: X-Wing dos

Star Wars: X-Wing is the first space combat sim game set in the Star Wars universe created by LucasArts. It was released in 1993 for PC MS-DOS only, and it was followed one year later by Star Wars: TIE Fighter.

Year: 1993 Genre: Simulation

imuse movies real-time science fiction simulation space combat sim space flight star wars vehicular combat simulator

Star Wars: TIE Fighter dos

Star Wars: Tie Fighter is a space flight and space combat simulator game released in 1994 by LucasArts (or Lucasfilm Games if you prefer). The game is the sequel to Star Wars X-Wing.

Year: 1994 Genre: Simulation

imuse movies science fiction simulation space combat sim space flight star wars vehicular combat simulator

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back nes

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is a platform action-adventure created for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was developed by Lucasfilm Games and Sculptured Software and released in 1992.

Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer

2d action-adventure licensed movies platform-shooter platformer side-scrolling star wars

Star Wars NES nes

In occasion of the Star Wars Day 2018 (May the "Fourth") we present you a little gem: the Star Wars video game for the NES, developed by Beam Software and released by JVC in 1991. ...

Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer

licensed movies platformer science fiction star wars

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi amiga

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi is an arcade game created by Atari in 1984 and despite the title of the third movie, it's the sequel to the first Star Wars game (the third game, The Empire Strikes Back, was released one year later).

Year: 1988 Genre: Shooter

arcade coin-op conversion licensed movies science fiction shooter star wars

Star Wars amiga

Star Wars is a famous coin-op created by Atari in 1983, during the "golden age" of the arcades. The title is a first-person space sim that uses 3D vector graphics, simulating the attack on the Death Star from the 1977 Star Wars movie.

Year: 1989 Genre: Shooter

arcade coin-op conversion movies rail shooter science fiction shooter star wars wireframe

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back amiga

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is the sequel to the famous arcade developed by Atari in 1983. The cabinet of The Empire Strikes Back was released in 1985 as an upgrade to the first one.

Year: 1988 Genre: Shooter

aliens arcade coin-op conversion rail shooter science fiction shooter star wars wireframe

Star Wars: Rebel Assault dos

Star Wars: Rebel Assault is a flight shooter based in the Star Wars universe and was developed and published by LucasArts in 1993 for Mac and DOS. The game renders actual footage and uses music from the movies.

Year: 1993 Genre: Simulation

licensed rail shooter science fiction simulation space combat sim space flight star wars