Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is the sequel to the famous arcade developed by Atari in 1983. The cabinet of The Empire Strikes Back was released in 1985 as an upgrade to the first one.
aliens arcade coin-op conversion rail shooter science fiction shooter star wars wireframeStar Wars is a famous coin-op created by Atari in 1983, during the "golden age" of the arcades. The title is a first-person space sim that uses 3D vector graphics, simulating the attack on the Death Star from the 1977 Star Wars movie.
arcade coin-op conversion movies rail shooter science fiction shooter star wars wireframeMercenary: Escape from Targ is a sci-fi action-adventure game designed by Paul Woakes. It was released by Woakes' company, Novagen Software, initially for Atari 8-bit in 1986. It w...
action-adventure first-person science fiction virtual world wireframeStarglider is a 3D space shooter created by the young programmer Jez San and published by Rainbird in 1986. It was released for the Commodore 64, Atari ST, Apple II, ZX Spectrum, and other computers.
3d atari st first-person shooter space space flight space sim wireframe