
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Best 2 player games on GamesNostalgia - Page 5

Beach Volley amiga

Beach Volley is a sports game created by Ocean France and published in 1989 for 8-bit and 16-bit platforms. The game was released for Amiga, Atari ST, ZX Spectrum, and Commodore 64.

Year: 1989 Genre: Sports

2 players beach volley competitive sports volleyball

Alien Breed: Special Edition 92 amiga

Alien Breed: Special Edition ‘92 is the enhanced remake of the original Alien Breed and was developed and published by Team 17 in 1992. It was released for Amiga only. This rem...

Year: 1992 Genre: Shooter

2 players aliens amiga original game co-op multi-scrolling shooter shooter walkabout

The Blues Brothers amiga

The Blues Brothers is a 1991 platformer game based on the Blues Brothers band, created by Titus. The game was released for PC, Amiga, Commodore 64, and Atari ST in 1991, and later for NES, SNES, and Game Boy.

Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer

2 players basher co-op movies platformer side-scrolling

Panza Kick Boxing amiga

Panza Kick Boxing is a Thai kickboxing sim that uses the license of André Panza, a French Kickboxer, nine times world champion in several disciplines. The game was developed by Fu...

Year: 1990 Genre: Brawler

2 players amiga original game boxing brawler competitive fighting licensed martial arts

Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja amigagenesis

Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja ("ikusae genshizin" in the original title) is an arcade created by Data East and released initially in 1991. It was then ported to several home platforms, ...

Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer

2 players caveman coin-op conversion dinosaurs platformer prehistoric side-scrolling

Micro Machines amigagame-boy-advance

Micro Machines is the first game of the popular series of racing simulations featuring toy cars, developed by Codemasters. It was initially released for the NES in 1991. The Amiga,...

Year: 1993 Genre: Racing

2 players competitive nes original game racing top-down toy cars

Spy vs Spy amigagame-boy-color

Spy vs. Spy is a video game created by Michael Riedel for the Commodore 64 and published by First Star Software in 1984. It's the official electronic adaptation of a famous comic strip published in Mad magazine.

Year: 1989 Genre: Puzzler

2 players action strategy c64 original game comics commodore 64 competitive espionage puzzler split-screen spy versus

Stunt Car Racer amigaatari-8-bit

Stunt Track Racer (Stunt Car Racer in the UK) is a racing videogame developed by Geoff Crammond and published by MicroStyle in 1989. It was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, and Amstrad CPC.

Year: 1989 Genre: Racing

2 players atari st automobile driving multiplayer racing stunts track racing vehicle simulator

Banshee amiga

Banshee is an Amiga original shoot-em-up, inspired by classic vertical scrolling shooters such as 1942: The Pacific Air War and Xevious. It was developed by Core Design and rel...

Year: 1994 Genre: Shooter

2 players aga amiga original game aviation co-op shooter steampunk v-scrolling shoot-em up vertical-scrolling

Speedball amiga

Speedball is a video game created by The Bitmap Brothers based on a violent futuristic sport and probably inspired by the 1975 sci-fi movie Rollerball. Initially developed for Amig...

Year: 1988 Genre: Sports

2 players amiga original game brutal sports cyberpunk futuristic sports sports top-down

Emerald Mine amiga

Emerald Mine is a Boulder Dash clone created by Kingsoft in 1987 for the Amiga and later ported to Commodore 64. The mechanics are well known: you have to collect the emeralds di...

Year: 1987 Genre: Arcade

2 players amiga original game arcade boulder dash variants clone co-op maze

TV Sports: Boxing amiga

ABC Wide World of Sports Boxing (aka TV Sports Boxing) is a licensed boxing game developed by Acme Interactive and Cinemaware Corporation. It was published by Data East USA in 1991 for DOS and Amiga.

Year: 1991 Genre: Sports

2 players boxing competitive sports

Archon: The Light and the Dark amiga

Archon: The Light and the Dark is a 1983 video game developed by Free Fall Associates and published by Electronic Arts. The concept is similar to chess, but with real-time fights between pieces to decide the winner.

Year: 1985 Genre: Strategy

2 players board game chess variants fantasy strategy versus war

NHL Hockey 94 genesis

NHL Hockey '94 is an ice hockey game developed and published by EA Sports in 1993 for the Genesis, DOS, Super NES, and Sega CD. EA Sports, a spin-off from Electronic Arts that requ...

Year: 1993 Genre: Sports

2 players competitive hockey licensed sports top-down winter sports