American McGee's Alice is a third-person action-adventure developed by Rogue Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts in 2000. This entry is named after its renowned director...
3d action-adventure horror supernaturalLegends is a fantasy/sci-fi action-adventure, inspired by Zelda, created by Krisalis Software and published in 1996. it was released for Amiga models with AGA chipset and PC. When ...
Year: 1996 Genre: Role Playing
action-adventure action-rpg aga ancient egypt fantasy jrpg rpg wandererThe Gold of the Aztecs is an action-adventure created by Kinetica and published by U.S. Gold in 1990 for the Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS. The game is set in Mexico. The hero, a sor...
action-adventure archaeology flip-screen history jungleEcco the Dolphin (or, simply, Ecco) is an action-adventure game developed by Ed Annunziata and the Hungarian company Novotrade. It was released in 1992 as a Sega Genesis (aka Mega ...
action-adventure genesis original game non-linear underwaterLandstalker: Treasure of King Nole is an action-adventure (+part RPG) with a Japanese flavor, created by Climax Entertainment. It was developer for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and released in 1992.
action-adventure action-rpg anime genesis original game isometric rpg elementsThe Operative: No One Lives Forever, also known as NOLF, is a first-person shooter/stealth game created by Monolith Productions. It was published by Fox Interactive for PC in 2000.
3d action-adventure cold war espionage first-person humour shooter spy stealthGod of Thunder is a rare Zelda-style arcade/strategy game by Adept Software developed in 1993 for DOS and released as freeware.
action-adventure fantasy freewareMetal Gear 2: Solid Snake is a top-down stealth action game developed and published by Konami and released in 1990. It was written and designed by Hideo Kojima, who also designed the MSX2 version of the original Metal Gear.
action-adventure espionage msx science fiction spy stealthBlood Omen: Legacy of Kain was developed by Silicon Knights and published by Crystal Dynamics. It was first released for the PlayStation in 1996. The Windows port was made by Semi ...
action-adventure action-rpg dark fantasy fantasy horror rpg elements top-down vampiresZelda Classic is a fanmade faithful reproduction of The Legend of Zelda, the legendary videogame created by Nintendo. This remake, created by Armageddon Games, is an exact replica of the NES version released in 1986.
Year: 2000 Genre: Role Playing
action-adventure adventure-rpg fangames fantasy jrpg remake rpg zeldaThis is a version of Tomb Raider using the 3Dfx Voodoo Glide wrapper. This version has been prepared specifically for GamesNostalgia by one of our most faithful readers - a massive...
3d acceleration action-adventure ancient egypt archaeology jungle south americaNo One Lives Forever 2 is a first-person shooter with stealth elements created by Monolith and published by Sierra in 2002 for PC and Macintosh. As you may imagine, NOLF2 is the se...
3d action-adventure cold war espionage first-person fps humour shooter spy stealth