Whale's Voyage II: Die Übermacht, released in 1995, is the sequel to the sci-fi RPG Whale's Voyage created by neo Software. The game is a mix of role-playing, space exploration, trading and a bit of dungeon crawling.
Year: 1995 Genre: Role Playing
dungeon crawler first-person party-based rpg science fiction space exploration spaceship tradingLand Of Genesis is a platformer shoot'em up created by Maurizio Gemelli and published in 2001 by ClearWater Interactive. It was an exclusive for Amiga AGA and Amiga CD machines. M...
aga amiga original game platform-shooter science fictionCenter Court 2 is a tennis game created for Amiga with an AGA chipset by Gernot Fritsche in 1996-1997 but released only in 2016. The game, written in Blitz BASIC, was supposed to b...
aga amiga original game blitz basic freeware multiplayer sports tennisAmberstar is a fantasy RPG that was developed and published by Thalion Software in 1992 for Amiga, Atari ST, and DOS. It was intended to be the first of a trilogy, but the project ...
Year: 1992 Genre: Role Playing
atari st fantasy non-linear party-based rpg turn-based rpg wandererAlien Fish Finger is a platform/shooter created by David J. Cruickshank for the Amiga initially in 1995 as shareware, then re-released for free in 2011. This fantastic 2D shoot'em ...
amiga original game blitz basic platform-shooter public domain run and gun shooterFormula 1 Masters is a Formula One managerial sim created by Amivision and published by ESP Software in 1994 for the Amiga. Today we would define it as an indie game since it was c...
amos business simulation f1 freeware hotseat management multiplayer racing track racingSanta Paravia and Fiumaccio is an early managerial simulation created by George Blank for the TSR-80 in 1978. The game's source code (written in BASIC) was published in SoftSide magazine.
basic language business simulation fantasy history hotseat management medieval multiplayer political strategyBlack Orchid is a fantasy turn-based strategy game created by Mundane Software for Atari ST and initially distributed via mail order. In 1989 it was ported to Amiga and distributed by Actual Screenshots (CRL) with the name Legend.
atari st fantasy strategy sword and sorcery turn-based strategy wargameEliminator is a sci-fi arcade/shooter designed by John M. Phillips and developed by Hewson initially for the Atari ST. It was published in 1988 also for the Amiga, Commodore 64, in 1988 for Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, and ZX Spectrum.
aliens atari st science fiction shooterOverlander is a post-apocalyptic racing game released by Elite for 8-bit computers in 1988. In 1989, it was published for Atari ST and Amiga..
automobile disaster post-apocalyptic racing street racing vehicular combat simulatorProjectyle is a futuristic sports game created by the two founders of Eldritch the Cat, Steve Wetherill, and Marc Dawson. The game was developed initially for the Atari ST and was published in 1990 for ST and Amiga.
atari st futuristic sports multi-directional multiplayer science fiction sports top-downInto the Eagle's Nest is a Gauntlet clone with a WWII theme developed by Pandora Software and published by Mindscape in 1986. It was released for the Apple II and in 1987 for the...
apple 2 original game clone shooter walkabout war ww2Die Drachen von Laas is a fantasy text-adventure with graphics created by attic Entertainment and published in 1991 for Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS. The game was designed and progr...
adventure amiga original game fantasy german only games interactive fiction text adventure with pictures