
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Best platformer games on GamesNostalgia - Page 12

Platform games, or platformers, a simple concept of moving your character through a side-view environment, became a hit with Donkey Kong in 1981.

Mouse Trap amiga

Mousetrap is a platformer created by Microvalue for the Commodore 64 and Atari 8-bit in 1987. The same year it was ported to Amiga and Atari ST. Somehow inspired to Mappy and Ma...

Year: 1987 Genre: Platformer


Enemy: Tempest of Violence amiga

Enemy: Tempest Of Violence is a platformer action-adventure created by Anachronia for the Amiga and published originally in 1997. The developer released an improved version, called...

Year: 1997 Genre: Action

2 players action-adventure amiga original game co-op flip-screen freeware platformer

Trolls dosamiga

Trolls is a cute platformer developed by Flair Software and released by Capstone Software in 1992 for the Amiga, Amiga CD32, Commodore 64 and MS-DOS. The game was based on the famo...

Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer

aga amiga cd32 jumper platformer

Yogho Yogho dos

Yogho Yogho spel is a platformer developed by Euphoria as an advertising-promotional game for the Dutch yoghurt drink Yogho Yogho..

Year: 1995 Genre: Platformer

2d advergames licensed platformer side-scrolling

Flood amiga

Flood is a side-scrolling platformer created by Bullfrog originally for the Amiga and then ported to Atari ST. The game was published in 1990 by Electronic Arts. The main author of...

Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer

amiga original game climber humour platformer side-scrolling

Obliterator amiga

Obliterator is an arcade adventure game developed and published by Psygnosis in 1988 for Amiga, Amstrad CPC, and Atari. It was ported to DOS, ZX Spectrum, and MSX the following year.

Year: 1988 Genre: Platformer

aliens platform-shooter platformer science fiction

Zorro dos

Zorro is a cinematic action-adventure created for MS-DOS by Capstone Software and released in 1995. The game represents an attempt to bring the Prince of Persia mechanics to the ...

Year: 1995 Genre: Action

action-adventure cinematic platformer

Hudson Hawk amiga

Hudson Hawk is a platform game developed by Special FX for the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum. It is based on the film of the same name with Bruce Willis. It was released in 1991 and published by Ocean Software.

Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer

jumper movies platformer

Junior's Great Adventure amiga

Junior's Great Adventure is a free platformer for Amiga created by Diego Vivo (Amigamers) in 2022 and published as freeware. Inspired by silent films from the early 20th century an...

Year: 2022 Genre: Platformer

action-adventure amiga original game freeware jumper north america platformer

The Addams Family amigagenesis

The Addams Family is a licensed platformer created by Ocean for the SNES, Amiga, Atari ST in 1992. It was ported to Sega Genesis in 1993. Ocean also made similar versions of the ga...

Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer

jumper licensed movies multi-directional platformer snes

Monster Business amiga

Monster Business is an arcade platformer developed by Eclipse Software and released by Ascon in 1991 for Amiga and Atari ST. Inspired by famous coin-ops such as Mr. Do and Dig D...

Year: 1991 Genre: Arcade

arcade clear screen maze platformer vertical-scrolling

SkyRoads: Xmas Special dos

Skyroads Xmas Special is a spin-off of the sci-fi racer Skyroads created by Bluemoon Interactive. The game is a remake of another racing game called Kosmonaut. This special edi...

Year: 1994 Genre: Racing

arcade christmas holidays platformer racing science fiction track racing

Bonk's Revenge pc-engine

Bonk's Revenge (also known as PC Kid 2) is the second episode of the series of platformers created by Hudson Soft. The first game was called Bonk's Adventure or B.C. Kid. It's ...

Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer

arcade cartoon caveman hop and bop humour platformer side-scrolling turbografx-16

Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap sega-master-system

Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap is a platformer developed by Westone and published by SEGA in 1989 for the SEGA Master System console. It's the sequel to Wonder Boy in Monster Land and the third chapter of the Wonder Boy saga.

Year: 1989 Genre: Platformer

fantasy metroidvania non-linear platformer rpg elements side-scrolling