Puzzler video games have always been popular among gamers, challenging their minds with problem-solving activities.
Puzzler video games have always been popular among gamers, challenging their minds with problem-solving activities.
All New World of Lemmings is the third entry into the Lemmings franchise. It was developed by DMA Design and published by Psygnosis in 1994 for Amiga and DOS. All New World of Lemmings (a.
aga management platformer puzzle strategy puzzler real-timeWhere in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? is the first game in the famous educational game series produced by Brøderbund Software. The game stars the renowned thief with a red fedora and trenchcoat.
apple 2 original game detective educational geography puzzlerTwintris is a Tetris clone developed by Svein Berge for the Amiga in 1990 and published by Digital Marketing. The following year, it was also released under the name Super Twintri...
2 players amiga original game coverdisk falling block puzzle flip-screen puzzler shape combination tetris variantLemmings II: The Tribes is a puzzle game released in 1993. It is the sequel to Lemmings. It was developed by DMA Design and published by Psygnosis. It was released for Acorn 32 b...
amiga original game puzzle strategy puzzler real-timeSpy vs. Spy is a video game created by Michael Riedel for the Commodore 64 and published by First Star Software in 1984. It's the official electronic adaptation of a famous comic strip published in Mad magazine.
2 players action strategy c64 original game comics commodore 64 competitive espionage puzzler split-screen spy versusThe Lost Vikings is a puzzle platformer created by Silicon & Synapse (former name of Blizzard Entertainment) and published by Interplay in 1993. It was released for SNES, Genesis, DOS, and Amiga.
amiga cd32 character switch comedy fantasy mythology norse puzzle platformer puzzler science fictionTetris Pro is a Tetris variant created by Logic System for Amiga and released for free in the public domain in 1993. Apparently, it's a simple Tetris "clone", but in reality, Tetri...
amiga original game falling block puzzle flip-screen freeware puzzler shape combination tetris variantBill's Tomato Game is a puzzler created by Bill Pullan for the Amiga and published by Psygnosis in 1992. The game belongs to the so-called Rube Goldberg machine puzzle games, where...
amiga original game flip-screen puzzle strategy puzzler rube goldberg machineSpindizzy is a puzzle arcade game released by Electric Dreams Software in 1986 for 8-bit platforms. The game was designed and programmed by Paul Shirley, who developed it for the A...
isometric puzzler rolling ball split-screenSpherical is a puzzler arcade game created by Rainbow Arts in 1989. It was initially released for the Atari ST and later ported to the Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum.
2 players atari st flip-screen platformer puzzlerDimo's Quest is an arcade puzzler created by Infernal Bytes originally for the Amiga in 1993, then ported to MS-DOS and CD-i. The game, designed by Tobias Prinz and Thomas B. Schul...
amiga original game puzzler top-downThe Humans is a strategy/puzzler created by Imagitec Design and published by GameTek in 1992. It was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS, and many other platforms, including Mega Drive/Genesis and Game Boy.
humour lemmings variants multi-directional platformer prehistoric puzzlerArchipelagos is a puzzler/strategy game created by Astral Software initially for the Atari ST in 1989 then ported to Amiga and MS-DOS. Inspired, at least in part, by The Sentinel...
3d atari st coverdisk first-person puzzler real-time science fictionDiggers is a sci-fi puzzler created by Millennium Interactive originally for Amiga in 1993 and later ported to MS-DOS and Acorn 32-bit. The game, designed and programmed by Toby Si...
aga amiga original game lemmings variants puzzler science fiction