In the year of 1989, Titus Interactive released the sequel to the original Fire and Forget, a racing-shooting game. Fire & Forget II: The Death Convoy was released initially as a...
coin-op conversion driving parallax scrolling racing science fiction vehicular combat simulatorArchipelagos is a puzzler/strategy game created by Astral Software initially for the Atari ST in 1989 then ported to Amiga and MS-DOS. Inspired, at least in part, by The Sentinel...
3d atari st coverdisk first-person puzzler real-time science fictionCritical Mass (or Power) is a 1985 sci-fi videogame released for Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum, later ported to PC with an improved graphics..
science fiction strategyWar Planets: Age of Chaos is a sci-fi real-time strategy game set in the War Planets universe created by the toy company Trendmasters. The game, created by Trendmasters itself, was...
aliens licensed real-time rts science fiction strategy warVietnam 3275 is a sci-fi shoot 'em-up developed by Stavros Fasoulas for the Commodore 64. It's a modified version of another game released in 1987 called Delta MK II (or Delta Patrol).
commodore 64 science fiction shooterJackson City is a vertically scrolling space shoot'em-up game developed by Diabolic software and published in 1990. The game was released for Amstrad CPC, MSX, ZX Spectrum and MS-DOS.
science fiction shooterAleste, released outside Japan as "Power Strike", is a popular shoot-em-up developed by Compile. It was released initially for the SEGA Master System in 1988. Later, it was published for MSX2.
science fiction shooter top-down v-scrolling shoot-em upDriller, also known as Space Station Oblivion, is a 3D strategy/puzzler created by Incentive Software. It was initially released in 1987 for the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, and Amstrad CPC.
3d first-person polygons puzzler science fiction vector graphics virtual world zx spectrumRoadwar Europa is a futuristic turn-based strategy game designed by Jeff Johnson and developed for the Apple II and Commodore 64. It was released initially in 1986 and published by Strategic Simulations Inc.
apple 2 original game post-apocalyptic science fiction strategy turn-based strategy wargameThunder Force III is a space shooter developed by Technosoft for the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive and published by SEGA in 1990. The title was adapted for the arcade in 1991 under Thunder Force AC and for SNES as Thunder Spirits.
genesis original game science fiction shooter side-scrolling space2400 A.D. is a post-apocalyptic top-down role-playing game by Origin Systems. Before starting a new game, I have the (maybe bad) habit of looking at the story of searching for a review.
Year: 1988 Genre: Role Playing
aliens post-apocalyptic real-time rpg science fictionZ (or Zed) is a sci-fi real-time strategy game developed by The Bitmap Brothers and published in 1996 for PC-MSDOS. The world of video games is really very intricate. We can notice...
mecha real-time rts science fiction strategyStar Breaker is a rare sci-fi scrolling shoot 'em up developed by Frames and released in 1989 for Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS..
science fiction shooterSpace Empires is a series of galactic conquest and turn-based strategy games created by Malfador Machinations in the 90s. The first two titles, included in this package, were developed for Windows3.
management science fiction shareware strategy turn-based strategy