Dragon's Lair is a famous cinematic video game created initially as a laserdisc in 1983 by Don Bluth and Rick Dyer. Several home computer adaptations were released during the 1980s...
action-adventure cartoon cinematic fantasy hand-drawn animations interactive movie laserdiscStreet Rod is an American muscle car street racing game developed by Magic Partners with P.Z. Karen Co. Development Group and published by California Dreams in 1989 on DOS and Commodore 64.
automobile business simulation driving management racing street racing transport vehicle simulatorR-Type is a side-scrolling shoot-em-up arcade created by Irem in 1987. The graphics design was inspired by H. R. Giger's artwork for the Alien movies. It was ported to several home...
arcade coin-op conversion freeware h-scrolling shoot-em up science fiction shooter side-scrollingRick Dangerous is a 2D action platformer created by Core Design and published by Microplay Software in 1989 for the Amiga and Atari ST. It was also released for Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, and other home computers.
Year: 1989 Genre: Platformer
aliens ancient egypt archaeology atari st jungle platformer side-scrollingOil Imperium (Black Gold in the US) is a business sim created and published in 1989 by reLINE Software for Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, and Amiga. The game was designed by a group of people that include P.
Year: 1989 Genre: Simulation
amiga original game business simulation hotseat management multiplayer simulation turn-based strategyPopulous is regarded by many as the first 'god' game, developed by Bullfrog and published by Electronic Arts in 1989. The game was designed by Peter Molyneux, with Bullfrog creatin...
2 players amiga original game business simulation god game management real-time strategyBeyond Dark Castle is an action-adventure platformer created by Silicon Beach Software for Macintosh. It was initially released in 1988 for Mac and later ported to Amiga and Commodore 64.
action-adventure flip-screen macintosh original game puzzle platformer side-scrollingThe New Zealand Story is one of the most famous arcades created by Taito. It was released as a coin-op in 1988. Many home computer versions, including Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum, were released in 1989.
Year: 1989 Genre: Platformer
arcade coin-op conversion multi-directional platform-shooter platformerManiac Mansion is a memorable point-and-click graphic adventure created by LucasArts initially for the Commodore 64. Written by Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, it's the first adventu...
adventure c64 original game character switch comedy commodore 64 graphic adventure non-linear point and click scumm time travel verb-basedNorth & South is an action/strategy game based on the comic books "The Blue Jackets", released in 1989 for Amiga and Atari ST. It was ported later for DOS, ZX Spectrum and other platforms.
2 players american civil war comics historical battle history strategy war wargameOut Run is an arcade racing game created by Sega in 1986. It was one of the best-selling video games of its time and it won the Golden Joystick Award for Game of the Year. It was p...
arcade automobile coin-op conversion competitive driving racing street racingIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure was released in 1989 at the same time as the film. It was developed and published by Lucasfilm games (now LucasArts). It's...
adventure archaeology graphic adventure interwar movies point and click scumm