Future Wars: Time Travellers (known in North America as Future Wars: Adventures in Time) is the first cinematic adventure by Delphine Software. The game was created by the programm...
adventure cinematic dystopia graphic adventure point and click science fictionWonder Boy in Monster Land is the second game in the famous series of 2d platformers created by SEGA. Released originaly as an arcade in 1986, the game was ported to Master System ...
Year: 1989 Genre: Platformer
2d basher coin-op conversion fantasy platformer rpg elementsXenon 2: Megablast is a vertical scrolling space shooter designed by Bitmap Brothers, originally produced for the Amiga and Atari ST in 1989. It was later converted to the PC, Sega Master System and other platforms.
aliens cyborgs shooter space flight v-scrolling shoot-em up vertical-scrollingSimCity, one of the most popular videogames of all time, is an open-ended city-building game designed by Will Wright and developed by Maxis. Wright started to create the game in 1985 on a Commodore 64 but never completed it.
Year: 1989 Genre: Simulation
business simulation city building freeware macintosh original game simulation top-downCommando is a 2D action shooter arcade created by Capcom in 1985. It was ported first to the BBC Micro and ZX Spectrum. After its release, it was ported to multiple platforms, incl...
arcade coin-op conversion shooter top-down vertical-scrolling walkabout warSuper Hang-On is a motorcycle racing coin-op created by SEGA and released in 1987. It was ported to many platforms in the following years, including Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, Atari ST, and ZX Spectrum.
coin-op conversion driving motorcycle racing street racingDouble Dragon II: The Revenge is a side-scrolling beat 'em up created originally as an arcade by Technos Japan, as a sequel to Double Dragon. The game was ported to many home com...
2 players arcade brawler coin-op conversion progressive beat-em-upSpy vs. Spy is a video game created by Michael Riedel for the Commodore 64 and published by First Star Software in 1984. It's the official electronic adaptation of a famous comic strip published in Mad magazine.
2 players action strategy c64 original game comics commodore 64 competitive espionage puzzler split-screen spy versusArkanoid 2 - Revenge of Doh is the sequel to Arkanoid, a popular coin-op created by Taito in 1986. The sequel was released in 1987 and ported to Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, and XZ Spectrum in 1988.
arcade bat and ball breakout coin-op conversion paddle pongShadow of the Beast is a side-scrolling platformer created by Reflections for the Amiga and published by Psygnosis in 1989. It was considered revolutionary at the time, thanks to i...
amiga original game basher brawler fantasy progressive beat-em-upGhouls 'N Ghosts, aka Daimakaimura (Great Demon World Village), is a famous arcade created by Capcom as a sequel to Ghosts 'N Goblins. It was initially released in 1988. It was ported to many home platforms, computers, and consoles.
arcade coin-op conversion dark fantasy horror side-scrolling vampires wizards and witchesStunt Track Racer (Stunt Car Racer in the UK) is a racing videogame developed by Geoff Crammond and published by MicroStyle in 1989. It was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, and Amstrad CPC.
2 players atari st automobile driving multiplayer racing stunts track racing vehicle simulatorTest Drive 2 The Duel is a racing game developed by Distinctive Software Vancouver and distributed by Accolade. Built over an enhanced version of the engine used in the first Test...
racing street racingIt Came from the Desert is an action-adventure game by Cinemaware, inspired by 1950s "B" movies, initially released for the Amiga in 1989. Later it was ported to MS-DOS. With Defe...
action-adventure adventure amiga original game b-movies detective disaster interactive movie mutants mystery non-linear