Earthworm Jim 2 for the Mega Drive is an action-platformer developed by Shiny Entertainment and published by Playmates Interactive in 1995. Serving as a sequel to the highly acclai...
Year: 1995 Genre: Platformer
cartoon comedy genesis original game hand-drawn animations platformer run and gun science fiction side-scrollingSpace Quest 1: Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter is a 1991 graphic adventure by Sierra. It is the remake of the original Space Quest: Chapter I, released in 1986. The new version...
adventure agi engine comedy enhanced remakes graphic adventure point and click science fictionMad TV is a television station management game developed and published by Rainbow Arts in 1991 for Amiga and MS-DOS. If someone were to tell me that Mad TV has a video game, I woul...
business simulation comedy management strategyFish! is a text adventure created by the British game studio Magnetic Scrolls. It was published in 1988 for the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, MS-DOS and other platforms by Rainbird.
adventure comedy detective interactive fiction mystery text adventure with pictures text parserLeisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places) is the second adventure game in the Leisure Suit Larry series. The game was released by Sierra OnLine in 1988 for MS-DOS, Atari ST, and Amiga.
adult adventure comedy graphic adventure point and clickSoftporn Adventure is a text adventure created by Chuck Benton for the Apple II in 1981. The game was programmed in AppleSoft BASIC. Initially released by Benton with his own compa...
adult adventure apple 2 original game comedy interactive fiction text adventure text-onlyThe Adventures of Willy Beamish is a graphic adventure developed by Dynamix and published by Sierra On-Line in 1991. The game is regarded as one of the best Sierra adventures, and with good reason.
adventure comedy graphic adventure point and clickSuperhero League of Hoboken is an adventure role-playing game created by Steve Meretzky and published by Legend Entertainment in 1994 for DOS. This game is an amalgam of different play styles and genres, a match made in heaven.
adventure adventure-rpg comedy comics post-apocalyptic science fictionFiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun is a circus mini-game collection created by Christopher Gray for Mindscape. It was originally published in 1989 for Atari ST, Amiga, and MS-DOS and...
comedy hotseat mini-games multi-type multiplayer sports stuntsCompanions of Xanth is an adventure game published in 1993 by Legend Entertainment. Making a video game based on a book is really a risk. The title is not judged by its quality as ...
adventure comedy fantasy graphic adventure point and clickChuck Rock is a prehistoric platformer created by Core Design for the Amiga and released in 1991. The same year it was released for the Atari ST. The game is in no way meant to be ...
Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer
amiga original game basher caveman comedy dinosaurs history platformer prehistoric side-scrollingPizza Connection is a fun business simulation created by the German company Cybernetic Corporation. It was published by Software 2000 for Amiga and MS-DOS in 1994. The Amiga version was released only in German.
business simulation city building comedy construction simulation crime & punishment hotseat humour management multiplayer real-time strategyAbe Lincoln Must Die! is the fourth episode of the 3D graphics adventure Sam & Max Save the World, developed by Telltale Games. Episode 4 was released for free by the publisher.
adventure comedy comics detective graphic adventure mystery point and click