
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Recently Updated Games - Page 94

Earthworm Jim genesis

Earthworm Jim is a 2D shooter/platformer created by Shiny Entertainment originally for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and published in 1994. The game design and the creation of the ch...

Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer

comedy genesis original game hand-drawn animations platform-shooter platformer run and gun side-scrolling

Mortal Kombat 3 genesis

Mortal Kombat 3 is the third game in the popular series of fighting arcades created by Midway. The coin-op was released in 1995. The same year several ports, including the Sega Megadrive/Genesis, were released.

Year: 1995 Genre: Brawler

2 players arcade brawler coin-op conversion competitive fighting martial arts motion capture

Lenny's Music Toons windows-3.x

Lenny's Music Toons is an educational musical adventure developed and published by Paramount Interactive for Windows 3.1 and released in 1993. Interacting with Lenny the Penguin an...

Year: 1993 Genre: Adventure

adventure cartoon educational music windows3x

Zork III: The Dungeon Master atari-8-bitdos

Zork III: The Dungeon Master is the third and final chapter of the Zork classic trilogy, and one of the most famous text adventures ever created. Published by Infocom, it was relea...

Year: 1982 Genre: Adventure

adventure fantasy text adventure

Dunjonquest: Temple of Apshai dos

Temple of Apshai, the first game of the Dunjonquest series, is a dungeon crawler RPG developed by Automated Simulations (now Epyx) initially in 1979. It was then ported to DOS and Commodore 64 in 1982.

Year: 1982 Genre: Role Playing

fantasy medieval rpg text-only turn-based rpg

PC*Bert dos

PC*Bert is an excellent and faithful freeware clone for the PC of Q*Bert, one of the most famous arcades ever created. Q*Bert was developed in 1982 by Gottlieb and is still one of the most famous videogames characters.

Year: 1997 Genre: Arcade

arcade clone coin-op conversion

God of Thunder dos

God of Thunder is a rare Zelda-style arcade/strategy game by Adept Software developed in 1993 for DOS and released as freeware.

Year: 1993 Genre: Action

action-adventure fantasy freeware

McMurphy's Mansion dos

McMurphy's Mansion is a classic text based adventure developed in 1984 by Martin-Art and released as shareware..

Year: 1984 Genre: Adventure

adventure interactive fiction shareware text adventure

Virus-Farm dos

Virus-Farm is a brilliant shareware simulation game released in 1992. Players are viruses trying to infect the computer, entering commands in the console of a DOS-like operative system.

Year: 1992 Genre: Simulation

cyberpunk shareware simulation text-only

Weird Island dos

Weird Island is a simple but nice graphical point and click adventure developed and released as freeware in 1992..

Year: 1992 Genre: Adventure

adventure freeware graphic adventure interactive fiction shareware

Dork's Dreams dos

Dork's Dreams is an excellent simple platform game developed by Tomasz Pytel for MS-DOS in 1991. The main character is a dinosaur that needs to reach the exit of the game's eight levels.

Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer


Superfly dos

SuperFly is a shareware action game that was released initially in 1990. In this game, you have to protect your home from the swarm of flies and nasty bugs that invade it. It includes 20 different rounds with a variety of obstacles.

Year: 1990 Genre: Arcade

arcade shareware

Napoleon vs. The Evil Monarchies: Austerlitz 1805 dos

Napoleon vs. The Evil Monarchies: Austerlitz 1805 (or simply Austerlitz) is a tile-based wargame played in real-time. The player takes command of either French or Russo-Austrian ar...

Year: 1989 Genre: Simulation

historical battle history real-time simulation wargame

Hogbear dos

Hogbear is a humorous horror text/graphics adventure developed in 1989 which makes use of ASCII art for the visuals. It was published as shareware by PC-SIG.

Year: 1989 Genre: Adventure

adventure fantasy real-time shareware survival horror