The Amazing Spider-Man is a 1990 platformer created by Paragon Software, officially based on the popular superhero. ** Swinging into Adventure: Why The Amazing Spider-Man Amiga Gam...
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
amiga original game climber comics flip-screen platformer puzzle platformer superheroNebulus (known as Tower Toppler in the US) is an action platformer developed and designed by John M Phillips. Initially it was created for the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64. Later i...
Year: 1988 Genre: Platformer
climber commodore 64 platformer puzzle platformer zx spectrumFantasy World Dizzy is the sequel to Treasure Island Dizzy and the third game in the Dizzy series. Dizzy is an action-adventure platformer created by Codemasters initially for the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC.
Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer
action-adventure fantasy platform-adventure platformer puzzle platformer zx spectrumTreasure Island Dizzy is a 2D platform-adventure developed by The Highlanders. It was published by Codemasters initially in 1988 for ZX Spectrum, then ported to Atari ST, Amiga, and Commodore 64.
Year: 1989 Genre: Platformer
action-adventure flip-screen platform-adventure platformer puzzle platformerBubba 'N' Stix is a platformer-puzzle game created by Core Design simultaneously for the SEGA Genesis and Amiga, including the CD32 version. The game, conceived by Simon Phipps, was released in 1994.
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
amiga cd32 cartoon hand-drawn animations multi-directional platformer puzzle platformer side-scrollingImpossible Mission is a famous puzzle-solving action adventure designed and programmed by Dennis Caswell, initially for the Commodore 64. It was released in 1984 by Epyx. The game ...
commodore 64 espionage platformer puzzle platformer puzzler science fiction spyMonty on the Run is the third game in the Monty Mole series, developed and published by Gremlin Graphics Software in 1985. Wanted! Monty Mole, created by Peter Harrap, was a popular video game series in the '80s.
Year: 1985 Genre: Platformer
puzzle platformerRick Dangerous II½ is an exclusive level of the Amiga platformer Rick Dangerous by Core Design, released as coverdisk of The One Magazine in 1991..
Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer
aliens amiga original game coverdisk flip-screen freeware platformer puzzle platformer side-scrollingImpossible Mission II is the sequel to the first Impossible Mission game. It was developed by Novatrade Software and published by Epyx in 1988 for the Amiga, Apple II, Commodore 64, and others.
platformer puzzle platformer puzzler science fictionP. P. Hammer and His Pneumatic Weapon is a puzzle/platformer created by Traveling Bits Production. It was published by Demonware in 1991 for Amiga and Commodore 64. The main charac...
Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer
ancient egypt clear screen platformer puzzle platformerNebulus 2 is the sequel to the famous puzzle platformer Nebulus (aka Tower Toppler) designed by John M. Phillips and released by Hewson. The first game introduced a concept of pseudo-3d based on the "rotation" of the background.
Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer
amiga original game climber hotseat multiplayer platformer puzzle platformer side-scrollingCosmic Spacehead is a platform adventure released in 1993 for Amiga, MS-DOS, Game Gear, Sega Master System, and Genesis/Mega Drive. It's a remake of the NES title Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade.
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
action-adventure aliens cartoon platformer point and click puzzle platformerSpellbound is an adventure-platformer created by David Jones for Mastertronic. It was published under the label Mastertronic Added Dimension in 1985 for the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC.
adventure flip-screen graphic adventure platformer puzzle platformerImpossible Mission 2025 is the third game of the Impossible Mission trilogy created originally by Epyx. This final title was developed and published by MicroProse in 1994 for Amiga and Amiga CD32.
aga platformer puzzle platformer puzzler science fiction