
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Best sci-fi games on GamesNostalgia - Page 2

Super Star Trek 1978 meets 25th Anniversary mac-osxwindows

Super Star Trek 1978 meets 25th Anniversary is a fangame/remake of the famous text-only strategy game Super Star Trek. Unlike many other remakes of this strategy game, this one fea...

Year: 2023 Genre: Strategy

aliens enhanced remakes freeware science fiction space star trek strategy turn-based strategy wargame

Volfied amigapc-engine

Volfied is an action-puzzle game developed and published by Taito Corporation in 1989, initially in the arcade and on TurboGrafx-16. The subsequent years after its release, it was ...

Year: 1991 Genre: Arcade

arcade clone coin-op conversion science fiction top-down

Another World amigados

Another World, also known as Out of This World, is a cinematic platformer action-adventure designed by Éric Chahi for Delphine Software. It was released in 1991 initially for Amig...

Year: 1991 Genre: Action

action-adventure amiga original game cinematic platformer puzzle platformer science fiction

Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares dos

Master of Orion II: Battle At Antares, the sequel to Master of Orion, is a turn-based 4x space empire game designed by Steve Barcia and Ken Burd. The popular strategy game was developed by Simtex.

Year: 1996 Genre: Strategy

4x management science fiction space exploration strategy turn-based strategy

X-COM: Terror from the Deep dos

X-COM: Terror from the Deep is a turn-based strategy game developed and published by MicroProse in 1995 for the PC. It is the sequel to UFO: Enemy Unknown. This follow-up to the ...

Year: 1995 Genre: Strategy

science fiction squad management strategy tactical-rpg turn-based strategy war

Commander Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle dos

Commander Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle is the fourth game in the Commander Keen series and the first in the second series "Goodbye, Galaxy". Developed by idSoftware, it was released in 1991 for MS-DOS.

Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer

2d platformer science fiction

Dune amiga

Dune is a strategy adventure developed by Cryo Interactive and published by Virgin Games in 1992 for Amiga and PC. Based on the famous Frank Herbert's sci-fi novel, the game was also ported to CD and released for the Sega CD console.

Year: 1992 Genre: Adventure

adventure adventure-strategy movies science fiction

Arkanoid amiga

Arkanoid is an arcade game developed by Taito in 1986 and one of the most popular videogame ever created. It's inspired to Breakout, a videogame created by Atari in 1970, but it's much richer.

Year: 1987 Genre: Arcade

arcade bat and ball breakout coin-op conversion paddle pong science fiction

Homeworld windows

Homeworld is a sci-fi real-time strategy/simulation game created by Relic Entertainment and published by Sierra in 1999 for Windows PC. The game concept is very straightforward: ta...

Year: 1999 Genre: Strategy

3d real-time rts science fiction simulation space management space sim strategy

Redneck Rampage dos

Redneck Rampage is a comedy/sci-fi first-person shooter created by Xatrix Entertainment and published by Interplay for MS-DOS in 1997. The game uses the Build game engine, usually considered a 2.

Year: 1997 Genre: Shooter

2.5d aliens first-person fps science fiction shooter

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter windows

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter is an action game and first-person shooter created by Iguana Entertainment. It was originally for the Nintendo 64 console and later ported to Windows. Both versions were released by Acclaim in 1997.

Year: 1997 Genre: Shooter

3d dinosaurs fps jungle science fiction shooter

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Firestorm windows

Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun is a real-time strategy game developed by Westwood Studios. Electronic Arts released it for Windows in 1999. The expansion Firestorm was released the following year and was declared freeware in 2010.

Year: 2000 Genre: Strategy

freeware mission real-time science fiction strategy

Commander Keen 5: The Armageddon Machine dos

Commander Keen 5: The Armageddon Machine is a platformer by id Software, creators of Doom. Released in 1991 for PC only, it's the fifth game in the famous series of Commander Keen, and it's the second episode of "Goodbye Galaxy".

Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer

2d platformer science fiction

Star Wars: Dark Forces dos

Star Wars: Dark Forces is a single-player first-person shooter set in the Star Wars universe, created by LucasArts Entertainment in 1995 for MS-DOS. In this game, you are a mercena...

Year: 1995 Genre: Shooter

2.5d fps imuse licensed movies science fiction shooter star wars texture map