
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Games by Year of Release: 1997 - Page 3

Backyard Baseball windows

Backyard Baseball is a baseball game created by Humongous Entertainment and released for Windows and Macintosh in 1997. It's the first of a long series of successful titles, the last one of which was released in 2015.

Year: 1997 Genre: Sports

baseball cartoon scumm sports

The Settlers II dos

The Settlers II: Veni, Vidi, Vici is the second chapter of the popular series of city building real time strategy games created by Blue Byte software. It was published by Blue Byte...

Year: 1997 Genre: Strategy

business simulation city building classical antiquity real-time strategy

Carmageddon dos

Carmageddon is a violent and destructive racing game developed by Stainless Software and published by SCi and Interplay in 1997. It was released for DOS and Mac (ported to other platforms in later years).

Year: 1997 Genre: Racing

automobile driving racing vehicular combat simulator violence

Theme Hospital dos

Theme Hospital is a business simulator developed by Bullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts for the PC in 1997. It's the second game in Bullfrog Productions' Theme series, and was proceeded by Theme Park.

Year: 1997 Genre: Simulation

business simulation city building comedy construction simulation humour management real-time simulation

Claw windows

Claw is a 2D platformer developed and published by Monolith Productions as a PC exclusive in 1997. Despite the fanmade adaptations and the repeated attempts to continue the story officially, it did not receive any sequel.

Year: 1997 Genre: Platformer

2d cartoon multiplayer pirates platformer side-scrolling

Quake II windows

Quake II doesn't need any introduction. The first-person shooter created by id Software was released in December 1997. The legendary John Carmack worked personally on coding this gem, that was not planned to be a sequel to Quake.

Year: 1997 Genre: Shooter

3d first-person fps multiplayer science fiction shooter texture map

Disney's Hercules windows

Disney's Hercules is an action platformer game for Windows 95 and Playstation published in 1997 by Disney Interactive. It is based on the animated movie of the same name. During th...

Year: 1997 Genre: Platformer

cartoon disney movies mythology platformer

Age of Empires windows

Age of Empires is a historical real-time strategy game created by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft on October 15, 1997, for Windows. Later it was also published for Mac OS on August 22, 1998.

Year: 1997 Genre: Strategy

classical antiquity history isometric real-time rts strategy war