Author: Tasha - Published: 16 November 2017, 10:53 pm
Assassin is a sci fi action platform game developed by Psionic Systems and published by Team17 Software in 1992 for Amiga. It was followed 2 years later by Assassin: Special Edition, with quite a few changes. It draws inspiration from Turrican and Strider and has similar gameplay.
As the name would suggest you are an assassin sent on a mission to do what you do. After being dropped off by the chopper, you have to make your way through henchmen, robots and other dangers. With the ability to run, jump, and kung fu grip to walls and ceilings to climb (and flip), you’re pretty agile. Equipped with laser gun (that was a killer boomerang in the first version), travel deep into your enemy’s compound, disable his defenses, and snuff him out!
Read MoreAuthor: GN Team - Published: 14 November 2017, 7:20 pm
Dino Dini's Goal (also known as Goal!) is a soccer game created by the famous British game designer and programmer Dino Dini. Dini was also the author of Kick Off and Kick Off 2. The game was sponsored by Adidas, and it was published by Virgin in 1993 for the Amiga and PC. The Atari ST version followed one year later, like the Sega Mega Drive version, which was a bit different and got another name (Dino Dini Soccer).
In 1993, Dino Dini was no longer working at Anco, so he didn't take part in the creation of Kick Off 3 (which Anco released in 1994). This explains why the fans considered Goal! the true sequel to Kick Off 2—the most popular soccer sim of the early '90s, before the arrival of Sensible Soccer.
Read MoreAuthor: GN Team - Published: 10 November 2017, 8:27 pm
Starglider 2 a 3D space combat simulator developed by Argonaut Software initially for the Amiga and published in 1988 by Rainbird. It was also released on the Atari ST. Later, the game was ported to DOS and Macintosh and it was converted to 8-bit for the ZX Spectrum. A Commodore 64/128 version was canceled, unfortunately.
Unlike its prequel, Starglider II uses filled polygons instead of wireframe graphics, but it has similar gameplay, it's just bigger and better. Starglider II is a true masterpiece. You can go and explore the universe, you can visit planets and fly through their underground tunnels. You will have to fight and trade to collect items that will be required to accomplish your mission (I'm not going to spoil). Starglider II can be considered a precursor of Freelancer, but it has the same freedom of Frontier: Elite II.
Read MoreAuthor: GN Team - Published: 7 November 2017, 2:06 am
Wonder Boy in Monster Land is the second game in the famous series of 2d platformers created by SEGA. Released originaly as an arcade in 1986, the game was ported to Master System in 1987 and many other platforms in the following years.
The game is a precursor of the 2D action/platformer role playing game. There are twelve levels, all very different, with towns, deserts, islands, different monsters, puzzles and unique items. Exploration is key, you will need to find treasures, potions, hourglasses (required to fill the Timer). You will get gold killing enemies, and you will be able to spend this gold to buy weapons (magic and normal ones) and other stuff.
Read MoreAuthor: GN Team - Published: 4 November 2017, 7:30 pm
Silkworm is a side-scrolling shooter arcade developed by Tecmo and released initially in 1988. In 1989 the game was ported to Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum by Random Access.
The developer of the Amiga version, Ronald Pieket Weeserik, did an excellent job, and this computer version is considered even better than the original arcade.
Silkworm (sometimes written Silk Worm) is a good game played alone, but it's fantastic for two players. The first player controls a helicopter that can fly and shoot in the sky, with a classic "fire and move" gameplay. The second player controls a jeep that cannot fly (of course) but has a turret that can be rotated using the cursor's keys to hit the enemies. Players need to cooperate; each one needs to cover the other to survive the attacks of several kinds of enemies and fortifications. If this was not enough, the background music, written by Barry Leitch, is considered a cult.
Read MoreAuthor: GN Team - Published: 1 November 2017, 3:56 am
Centurion: Defender of Rome is a strategy game developed by Bits of Magic and published by Electronic Arts. Initially released for PC in 1990, it was ported to Amiga and SEGA Genesis in 1991.
Designed by Kelly Beck, known for his masterpiece Defender of the Crown, Centurion has several elements in common with Cinemaware's first title.
As you can immagine, the goal is to become the Caesar, expanding and managing the Roman empire. From the map view you can take strategic decision, move troops, raise taxes, organize games to keep people happy. This happens in a turn-based mode, unlike battles, that happen in real time. If you have played Rome: Total War, you know what I mean.
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