Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis was released in 1992. It was developed and published by LucasArts. The game is a point-and-click adventure. Initially released on MS-DOS, Macintosh, and Amiga, it was later released for FM Towns.
adventure archaeology detective graphic adventure imuse interwar mystery point and click scumm verb-basedThe Secret of Monkey Island is a graphic adventure game created by Ron Gilbert while at Lucasfilm Games and published in 1990 for the Amiga and DOS. It was ported to other systems in 1991, 1992, and 1993.
adventure caribbean comedy fantasy graphic adventure history pirates point and click scumm verb-basedMonkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge is the point-and-click adventure sequel to The Secret of Monkey Island created by Ron Gilbert. It was developed and published by LucasArts in 1991.
adventure caribbean comedy graphic adventure history humour imuse pirates point and click scumm verb-basedIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure was released in 1989 at the same time as the film. It was developed and published by Lucasfilm games (now LucasArts). It's...
adventure archaeology graphic adventure interwar movies point and click scummDay of the Tentacle is the sequel to the original Maniac Mansion and was developed by LucasArts Entertainment and published in 1993 for DOS and Mac. Designed by David Grossman and...
adventure comedy graphic adventure humour imuse point and click scumm time travel verb-basedLoom is a point-and-click fantasy adventure created by LucasArts, released initially in 1990. One of the most popular titles using the SCUMM engine, like Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade and The Secret of Monkey Island.
adventure fantasy graphic adventure music point and click scummSam & Max: Hit the Road is a comedic graphic adventure game developed and published by LucasArts for DOS in 1993. It was ported to Windows, Mac, and Linux in the subsequent years following its release.
adventure comedy comics detective graphic adventure imuse mystery point and click scummFull Throttle is a third-person puzzle-solving adventure developed and published by LucasArts, released in 1995 for DOS and Macintosh. The game features a full voiceover soundtrack, performed by popular actors such as Mark Hamill.
adventure graphic adventure imuse point and click scummZak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders is the second graphic adventure by Lucasfilm Games, after Maniac Mansion, created using the SCUMM engine. The game was developed on a Comm...
adventure c64 original game comedy commodore 64 graphic adventure point and click science fiction scumm verb-basedManiac Mansion is a memorable point-and-click graphic adventure created by LucasArts initially for the Commodore 64. Written by Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, it's the first adventu...
adventure c64 original game character switch comedy commodore 64 graphic adventure non-linear point and click scumm time travel verb-basedFreddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse is an educational adventure created by Humongous Entertainment. It was released in 1996 for Macintosh and Windows. It's the sequel of the first Freddi Fish, released in 1994.
adventure cartoon educational graphic adventure hand-drawn animations humour scummKing's Quest II: Romancing the Throne is the second chapter in the famous series of fantasy graphic adventures created by Sierra Online. Published in 1985 for Atari ST and Apple II...
adventure agi engine fantasy graphic adventure point and click scummFlight of the Amazon Queen is a point-and-click graphic adventure created by Interactive Binary Illusions and published in 1995 for Amiga and MS-DOS. The Amiga version was written ...
adventure amiga original game amos freeware graphic adventure point and click scumm