
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Most Popular Games - Page 48

Flimbo's Quest amiga

Flimbo's Quest is a 2D platform developed by Euphoria and released by System 3 in 1990 for the Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari ST, and Amstrad CPC. System 3, the British company founded...

Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer

2d c64 original game commodore 64 fantasy platform-shooter platformer side-scrolling wizards and witches

Humans 3 amiga

Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time is the third installment in the Humans series, created by Imagitec Design. It’s a puzzle-strategy game where you guide a tribe of cavemen through different time periods.

Year: 1996 Genre: Puzzler

2d aga prehistoric puzzle strategy puzzler side-scrolling

Jonah Lomu Rugby dos

Jonah Lomu Rugby is a rugby video game developed by Rage Software and published by Codemasters in 1997 for DOS, Sega Saturn, and Playstation. Jonah Lomu Rugby was the first rugby i...

Year: 1998 Genre: Sports

licensed multiplayer rugby sports

Hi-Octane dos

Hi-Octane is a racing/vehicular combat game developed by Bullfrog and released in 1995 for the PC, PlayStation, and Sega Saturn. The game is based on Bullfrog's Magic Carpet engine.

Year: 1995 Genre: Racing

racing science fiction shooter vehicular combat simulator

Montezuma's Revenge atari-8-bitsega-master-system

Montezuma's Revenge is a side-scrolling platformer published by Parker Brothers and released for 8-bit platforms in 1984. Versions include Apple II, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, and others.

Year: 1984 Genre: Platformer

archaeology atari 8-bit flip-screen metroidvania platformer

Gunship 2000 amiga

Gunship 2000 is a helicopter combat flight simulator created by MicroProse as a sequel to Gunship. Available vehicles include the AH-1 Cobra, AH-64 Apache, OH-58D Kiowa Warrior, MD 530MG, and UH-60 Blackhawk.

Year: 1993 Genre: Simulation

aga amiga cd32 combat flight simulation helicopter simulation vehicular combat simulator

Castle Wolfenstein dosapple-ii

Castle Wolfenstein is a stealth shooter developed and published by Muse Software in 1981 for the Apple II. It made its way onto the Atari 8-bit and Commodore 64 in 1983 and DOS in 1984.

Year: 1984 Genre: Action

action-adventure apple 2 original game stealth ww2

Wing Commander: Armada dos

Wing Commander: Armada is a turn-based 3d strategy game set in the universe of Wing Commander. It was created by Origin Systems and released in 1994 for PC MS-DOS. It's the first Wing Commander game to feature a multiplayer mode.

Year: 1994 Genre: Strategy

science fiction space flight strategy turn-based strategy

Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!! amiga

Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True is a point-and-click mystery game developed by ICOM Simulations and published by Mindscape. The title was released initially for the Apple Macintosh...

Year: 1986 Genre: Adventure

adventure clicker detective graphic adventure macintosh original game mystery north america

Archimedean Dynasty dos

Archimedean Dynasty is a science fiction submarine simulator created by Massive Development and published by BlueByte in 1996 for MS-DOS. It is considered the first chapter of the AquaNox series.

Year: 1996 Genre: Simulation

3d naval science fiction simulation submarine underwater vehicle simulator

Curse of Enchantia amiga

Curse of Enchantia is a fantasy point-and-click graphic adventure created by Core Design and published for Amiga and MS-DOS in 1992. It was the first adventure game developed by Core Design.

Year: 1992 Genre: Adventure

adventure fantasy graphic adventure point and click

James Pond 2: RoboCod amiga

James Pond 2: Codename Robocod is a platformer created by Vectordean in 1991 as a sequel to James Pond: Underwater Agent. The game was initially developed for Amiga, Atari ST, an...

Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer

advergames aga amiga cd32 jumper platformer

Wizardry: Bane of the Cosmic Forge amiga

Wizardry: Bane of the Cosmic Forge, the sixth entry into the Wizardry series. It is a fantasy role-playing game developed and published by Sir-tech Software in 1990, originally for DOS.

Year: 1990 Genre: Role Playing

dungeon crawler fantasy party-based rpg sword and sorcery turn-based rpg

Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance amigacommodore-64

Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance is the sequel to the popular action adventure The Last Ninja. Released initally for the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC in 1988, it wa...

Year: 1990 Genre: Brawler

brawler c64 original game commodore 64 martial arts mythology ninja progressive beat-em-up