Disney's The Jungle Book is a platformer created by Virgin Interactive (aka Virgin Games) based on the 1967 Disney animated film. The team behind Aladdin (including David Bishop an...
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
2d cartoon disney genesis original game hand-drawn animations jungle movies platformerBundesliga Manager Hattrick is the third game in the Bundesliga Manager series created by Kron Simulation Software. It was released in 1994 for PC and Amiga AGA machines. Designed ...
aga german only games hotseat management multiplayer soccer sportsJazz Jackrabbit is a popular side-scrolling shooter/platformer developed by Epic MegaGames and released in 1994 for the PC. The game was named Arcade Game of the Year by PC Format.
cartoon platform-shooter run and gunMortal Kombat II is the second installment in the Mortal Kombat franchise, developed by Midway games and published by Acclaim Entertainment in 1993. This sequel is just one of the ...
2 players arcade brawler coin-op conversion fighting martial arts motion capture versus violenceHeretic is a first-person shooter developed by Raven Software and published by id Software in 1994 for the PC and Mac. The game was published by the prestigious American company id...
2.5d dark fantasy doom engine fantasy first-person fps medieval shooter texture mapWarcraft: Orcs & Humans, also known as Warcraft I, is the first game in the popular Warcraft series created by Blizzard Entertainment. It's a fantasy real-time strategy game (RTS) ...
fantasy multiplayer real-time rts strategy warDisney's Aladdin, one of the most successful ports from a movie to a videogame, is a 2D side-scrolling platformer developed by Virgin Games. It is based on the 1992 Disney motion picture.
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
aga cartoon disney fairy tale genesis original game hand-drawn animations middle east movies platformer side-scrollingDoom II is Id Software's follow-up to their award winning Doom. Published by GT Interactive, it was released for DOS in 1994, just one year after its predecessor. Unlike most sequels, this one is actually good.
2.5d fps horror science fiction shooter texture mapThe Lion King is the video game adaptation of the Disney movie with the same title. It was developed by Westwood Studios and published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment in 1994. ...
Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer
aga basher cartoon disney genesis original game hand-drawn animations hop and bop movies platformer