Aces Over Europe is an action flight simulator and the sequel to Aces of the Pacific, developed by Dynamix. It was published by Sierra On-Line in 1993 for DOS. This game improves...
Year: 1993 Genre: Simulation
aviation combat flight simulation flight sim historical battle history simulation vehicular combat simulator ww2Escape From Colditz is an action/strategy game with isometric graphics created by Digital Magic Software for the Amiga in 1990. A port for Commodore 64 was never completed. Based o...
action strategy action-adventure amiga original game isometric strategy ww2Empire Deluxe is a turn-based strategy game released by New World Computing in 1993 for PC. The story of this game begins in 1977 when a first version of the game (without graphics, of course) was created by Walter Bright.
enhanced remakes management naval strategy top-down turn-based strategy war ww2Silent Service is a warfare submarine simulator designed by legendary Canadian video game creator Sid Meier. MicroProse, the company co-founded by Sid Meier - known for the acclaim...
Year: 1986 Genre: Simulation
history military naval simulation submarine vehicular combat simulator war ww2Aces of the Pacific is a World War II combat flight simulator developed by Dynamix and released by Sierra for PC MS-DOS in 1992. The game features a lot of US and Japanese aircraft.
Year: 1992 Genre: Simulation
aviation combat flight simulation flight sim historical battle history simulation vehicular combat simulator ww2Steel Panthers is a turn-based historical wargame developed by Strategic Simulations Inc and published by Mindscape in 1995 for MS-DOS. The game was designed by Gary Grigsby, consi...
hexagonal map historical battle history strategy tank turn-based strategy war wargame ww2D-Day: The Beginning of the End is a turn-based wargame developed by Impressions Games and released for DOS and Amiga in 1994. As you can imagine, the game recreates the scenario o...
Year: 1994 Genre: Simulation
business simulation historical battle history management military simulation turn-based strategy war wargame ww2Spitfire Ace is a flight combat sim created by legendary game designer Sid Meier. Developed initially on an Atari 800, the game was published by MicroProse in 1982 for the Atari 8-bit and two years later for the Commodore 64.
Year: 1982 Genre: Simulation
atari 8-bit combat flight simulation first-person flight sim simulation vehicular combat simulator ww2Beyond Castle Wolfenstein is the sequel to Castle Wolfenstein, the action-adventure known as the first stealth game. It was created by Muse Software, initially for the Commodore 64...
action-adventure freeware stealth ww2Battlehawks 1942 is a historical flight sim set in the Pacific during World War II. The game was created by LucasArts and released between 1988 and 1989 for MS-DOS, Amiga, and Atari ST.
Year: 1989 Genre: Simulation
3d aviation combat flight simulation historical battle military simulation war ww2Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain is the second title in the series of Lucasfilm flight sims set during World War II. The game is the sequel to Battlehawks 1942, and it's ...
Year: 1990 Genre: Simulation
3d aviation combat flight simulation flight sim historical battle military simulation war ww21942: The Pacific Air War, released by Microprose in 1994 for MSDOS, is one of the best World War 2 flight sims ever made.
Year: 1994 Genre: Simulation
aviation combat flight simulation historical battle history simulation vehicular combat simulator ww2