Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty is a real-time strategy game created by Westwood Studios and published by Virgin Games in 1992. The game, also known as Dune II: Battle for Arrak...
movies real-time rts science fiction strategy warCommand & Conquer is a real-time strategy game developed by Westwood Studios, and published by Virgin Interactive in 1995 for MS-DOS. Made by the same creators of Dune II: The Bat...
europe freeware real-time rts science fiction strategy warDiablo is a famous "hack and slash" role-playing game created by Blizzard and released at the end of 1996 for Windows. Two years later, it was released to Macintosh. It is not only...
Year: 1996 Genre: Role Playing
action-rpg fantasy hack and slash isometric real-time rpgSensible World of Soccer '96/'97 is the fourth and final release of the popular soccer game created by Sensible Software. Released in 1996 for PC and Amiga, it's mostly an updated ...
2 players birds-eye view football multiplayer real-time soccer sport management sports top-downTransport Tycoon Deluxe (or TTD) is an improved version of Transport Tycoon, a business simulation game developed by Chris Sawyer. The game was published by MicroProse in 1995 for MS-DOS.
Year: 1995 Genre: Simulation
aviation business simulation isometric management naval real-time simulation train transportCannon Fodder: war has never been so much fun is an action-strategy shoot 'em up game developed by Sensible Software. It was published by Virgin Interactive for the Amiga in 1993. ...
amiga original game humour military real-time shooter squad management walkabout warTheme Park is a strategy game about running your amusement park, developed by Bullfrog Productions. It was published by Electronic Arts in 1994 for Mac, 3DO, Amiga, and DOS. It was...
Year: 1994 Genre: Simulation
aga business simulation city building construction simulation humour management real-time simulationCommand and Conquer: Tiberian Sun is a real-time strategy game developed by Westwood Studios. Electronic Arts released it for Windows in 1999. The expansion Firestorm was released the following year and was declared freeware in 2010.
freeware mission real-time science fiction strategyStar Wars: X-Wing is the first space combat sim game set in the Star Wars universe created by LucasArts. It was released in 1993 for PC MS-DOS only, and it was followed one year later by Star Wars: TIE Fighter.
Year: 1993 Genre: Simulation
imuse movies real-time science fiction simulation space combat sim space flight star wars vehicular combat simulatorPirates! Gold is the remake of Sid Meier's award-winning Pirates! and was developed by MPS Labs and published by MicroProse in 1993. After the initial release for PC and SEGA Genes...
amiga cd32 caribbean history naval open world pirates real-time strategyConstructor is a simulation game developed by System 3 and published by Acclaim in 1997 for MS-DOS. It was later ported to Mac OS, Playstation and Windows. In this game rich of hum...
Year: 1997 Genre: Simulation
business simulation city building humour management real-time simulationLords of the Realm II is a strategy meets resource management computer game developed by Impressions Games and published by Sierra On-Line in 1996. It is the second game in the series started with Lords of the Realm.
europe management medieval real-time strategy turn-based strategyHomeworld is a sci-fi real-time strategy/simulation game created by Relic Entertainment and published by Sierra in 1999 for Windows PC. The game concept is very straightforward: ta...
3d real-time rts science fiction simulation space management space sim strategy