
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Most Popular Games - Page 26

High Seas Trader amigados

High Seas Trader is a business simulation strategy game developed and published by Impressions in 1995 for Amiga with AGA chipset and DOS. It is the follow-up to the earlier Impres...

Year: 1995 Genre: Strategy

aga business simulation history management naval sea trading strategy trading

Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny dosamiga

Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny is the fifth entry in the role-playing video game series Ultima. It was released initially in 1988 for DOS, Apple II, and Commodore 64, later followed by other platforms.

Year: 1988 Genre: Role Playing

apple 2 original game fantasy rpg turn-based rpg wanderer

Horde: The Citadel windows

Horde: The Citadel is the sequel to the fantasy RTS Horde: The Citadel. It was developed by 7th BitLabs and it was published in 2001. We only have the Italian version available..

Year: 2001 Genre: Strategy

fantasy rts strategy

NBA Jam Tournament Edition genesis

NBA Jam Tournament Edition is a basketball game produced in 1994 by Midway as an arcade. The title is a spin-off of the NBA Jam, released in 1993 by the same company. The Tournam...

Year: 1995 Genre: Sports

basketball coin-op conversion licensed sports

Beyond Dark Castle amiga

Beyond Dark Castle is an action-adventure platformer created by Silicon Beach Software for Macintosh. It was initially released in 1988 for Mac and later ported to Amiga and Commodore 64.

Year: 1989 Genre: Action

action-adventure flip-screen macintosh original game puzzle platformer side-scrolling

Street Rod amiga

Street Rod is an American muscle car street racing game developed by Magic Partners with P.Z. Karen Co. Development Group and published by California Dreams in 1989 on DOS and Commodore 64.

Year: 1989 Genre: Racing

automobile business simulation driving management racing street racing transport vehicle simulator

1943: The Battle of Midway amiganes

1943: The Battle of Midway is a shoot 'em up developed and published by Capcom for arcade machines in 1987. Later on, the title was ported to several computers and consoles such as...

Year: 1988 Genre: Shooter

2d arcade aviation coin-op conversion historical battle shooter top-down v-scrolling shoot-em up vertical-scrolling ww2

Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! dos

Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out is, strangely enough, the fifth entry into the Leisure Suit Larry series created by Al Lowe. It was published by Sierra On-Line in 1993 for DOS.

Year: 1993 Genre: Adventure

adult adventure comedy graphic adventure point and click

Ultima VII: Serpent Isle dos

Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle is a role-playing game created by ORIGIN, released in 1993 for MS-DOS. It is part of the Ultima series, and it's the sequel to Ultima VII Part One: The Black Gate.

Year: 1993 Genre: Role Playing

fantasy real-time rpg sword and sorcery

Bomb Jack amiga

Bomb Jack is an arcade platform game released by Tehkan in 1984. It was ported to Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum in 1986, and to the Amiga and Atari ST in 1998. The game was never ported to PC.

Year: 1988 Genre: Platformer

2d arcade coin-op conversion platformer

Wing Commander dosamiga

Wing Commander is a space combat simulator designed by Chris Roberts and first released for the PC DOS in 1990. It was later ported to the Amiga, CD32, Sega CD and the SNES. It is...

Year: 1990 Genre: Simulation

3d science fiction simulation space combat sim space flight texture map vehicular combat simulator

S.W.I.V. amiga

S.W.I.V. is a top-down shooter for 1 or 2 players created by Random Access and published by The Sales Curve in 1991. The game was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, and other platforms.

Year: 1991 Genre: Shooter

2 players amiga original game co-op helicopter shooter top-down v-scrolling shoot-em up

Cruise for a Corpse amiga

Cruise for a Corpse is a point-and-click graphic adventure from the French studio Delphine Software. The creators of other Amiga popular titles such as Future Wars: Time Traveller...

Year: 1991 Genre: Adventure

adventure detective graphic adventure interwar mystery point and click

Deluxe Pac AGA amiga

Deluxe PacMan is a Pac-Man clone/variant developed by Edgar M. Vigdal for Amiga and released in 1992. The file you can download from GamesNostalgia is the AGA version, emulator included.

Year: 1992 Genre: Arcade

aga amiga original game arcade clone freeware remake