Fire & Ice: The daring adventures of Cool Coyote is a platformer created by Graftgold and published by Renegade Software in 1992. Initially released for the Amiga and Atari ST, lat...
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
2d amiga cd32 amiga original game jumper multi-directional platformer1943: The Battle of Midway is a shoot 'em up developed and published by Capcom for arcade machines in 1987. Later on, the title was ported to several computers and consoles such as...
2d arcade aviation coin-op conversion historical battle shooter top-down v-scrolling shoot-em up vertical-scrolling ww2TFX (Tactical Fighter Experiment) is a flight simulator developed by Digital Image Design and released in 1993 for MS-DOS. Initially, Ocean had planned to release an Amiga version in 1994.
Year: 1993 Genre: Simulation
3d aga combat flight simulation coverdisk flight sim military simulation vehicular combat simulator warSpace Quest 6: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier is the last entry into the Space Quest series and was developed and published by Sierra in 1995. It was released for DOS and Windows.
adventure comedy graphic adventure humour science fictionMean Streets is a dystopian cyberpunk graphic adventure developed by Access Software for MS-DOS and Commodore 64 in 1989. Later, it was ported to the Atari ST and Amiga in 1990. Th...
adventure cyberpunk detective dystopia graphic adventure mystery science fictionMetal Gear 2: Solid Snake is a top-down stealth action game developed and published by Konami and released in 1990. It was written and designed by Hideo Kojima, who also designed the MSX2 version of the original Metal Gear.
action-adventure espionage msx science fiction spy stealthTerminator 2: Judgment Day, renamed T2: The Arcade Game for the home conversions, is a coin-op created by Midway. Later, it was ported to several home computers and consoles. Probe...
2 players arcade coin-op conversion cyborgs dystopia first-person licensed movies rail shooterMad TV is a television station management game developed and published by Rainbow Arts in 1991 for Amiga and MS-DOS. If someone were to tell me that Mad TV has a video game, I woul...
business simulation comedy management strategyRick Dangerous 2 is the sequel to the popular platformer created by Core Design, inspired to the character of Indiana Jones. The game was released in 1990 for the Atari ST, Amiga, ...
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
aliens atari st platformer science fictionAntheads: It Came from the Desert II is an expansion of the popular adventure created by Cinemaware. It was published one year later the original game, in 1990, for the Amiga only.
adventure disaster interactive movie mission mutantsOutpost is a space colonization strategy game created by Sierra and released in 1994 for Windows 3x and Macintosh. As in many other science fiction classics, Earth will be destroye...
4x isometric real-time science fiction space exploration space sim strategyCommander Keen: Keen Dreams is a platform game developed by id Software. The game is known also as Commander Keen 3.5, since its events take place after Commander Keen 3: Keen Mus...
Year: 1991 Genre: Platformer
platformer side-scrollingQuest for Glory II Remake is (as you might expect) a remake of Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire. Quest for Glory 2 is the second chapter of Sierra's adventure RPG series, which ...
adventure adventure-rpg enhanced remakes freeware graphic adventure hand-drawn animations point and clickJaguar XJ220 is a racing/driving game created by Core Design and released for the Amiga and Sega Mega-CD in 1993. The game is officially based on the car that was the fastest commercial car available in the 90s.
2 players amiga original game automobile competitive driving licensed racing split-screen street racing