
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Most Popular Games - Page 40

4D Sports Boxing dosamiga

4D Sports Boxing by Distinctive Software, released in 1991, is one of the best boxing simulations ever created. When you think of retro boxing titles, what is the first one that co...

Year: 1991 Genre: Sports

2 players boxing humour sports

Nitemare-3D dos

Nitemare 3D is a shareware 3D first person shooter created by Gray Design Associates and released in 1994. The game is the sequel to Hugo III: Jungle of Doom and it's inspired by Wolfenstein 3D.

Year: 1994 Genre: Shooter

3d fps horror shareware shooter

4D Sports Driving dosamiga

Stunts (4D Sports Driving in Europe) is a first-person 3D racing game that was developed by Distinctive Software and published by Brøderbund in 1990. Brøderbund is not someone ne...

Year: 1990 Genre: Racing

3d automobile polygons racing stunts vehicle simulator

Chex Quest dos

Chex Quest is a sci-fi first-person shooter created by Digital Cafe in 1996 using the Doom engine. The game was distributed in special boxes of Chex cereals..

Year: 1996 Genre: Shooter

2.5d advergames doom engine first-person fps freeware licensed science fiction shooter

Pitfall! commodore-64atari-2600atari-5200

Pitfall!, also known as Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure, is a legendary platformer designed and programmed by David Crane. It was released in 1982 for the Atari 2600. In this ga...

Year: 1983 Genre: Platformer

atari 2600 flip-screen platformer

Earthworm Jim 2 genesis

Earthworm Jim 2 for the Mega Drive is an action-platformer developed by Shiny Entertainment and published by Playmates Interactive in 1995. Serving as a sequel to the highly acclai...

Year: 1995 Genre: Platformer

cartoon comedy genesis original game hand-drawn animations platformer run and gun science fiction side-scrolling

Kick Off 3 amiga

Kick Off 3 is the third installment of the football game created by Anco Software. It was released in 1994 for MS-DOS and Amiga, including AGA models. As we know, the author of thi...

Year: 1994 Genre: Sports

2 players aga football isometric soccer

Stunt Car Racer amigaatari-8-bit

Stunt Track Racer (Stunt Car Racer in the UK) is a racing videogame developed by Geoff Crammond and published by MicroStyle in 1989. It was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, and Amstrad CPC.

Year: 1989 Genre: Racing

2 players atari st automobile driving multiplayer racing stunts track racing vehicle simulator

Stronghold dos

Stronghold is a real-time strategy game developed by Stormfront Studios and published by Strategic Simulations Inc. in 1993. This game is set in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy univ...

Year: 1993 Genre: Strategy

business simulation city building fantasy management real-time strategy

Dragon Quest nes

Dragon Quest, known as Dragon Warrior in the US, is a Japanese-style role-playing game created by Chunsoft for the NES and released in 1986. It's the first game of the famous Drago...

Year: 1986 Genre: Role Playing

fantasy jrpg rpg top-down turn-based rpg

Project-X amiga

Project-X is a sci-fi horizontal shooter created by Team17 originally for Amiga and released in 1992. The DOS version was released 2 years later. Probably inspired by R-Type II a...

Year: 1992 Genre: Shooter

aliens amiga original game h-scrolling shoot-em up science fiction shooter

Nuclear War amiga

Nuclear War is a strategy game developed by New World Computing and published in 1989 for Amiga and MS-DOS. The title was a separate point to the releases of this company, who, unt...

Year: 1989 Genre: Strategy

board game cold war humour strategy turn-based strategy war wargame

Terminal Velocity dos

Terminal Velocity is an arcade-style simulation video game released by 3D Realms in 1995 for PC and Mac. Terminal Velocity was quite different from the flight simulation games of i...

Year: 1995 Genre: Simulation

3d aviation first-person science fiction simulation space flight texture map

Gold Rush! amiga

Gold Rush! is a graphic adventure created by Sierra in 1989 for MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari ST, and other platforms. The game is set in the old west during the gold rush and uses an improved version of the AGI engine.

Year: 1989 Genre: Adventure

adventure agi engine flip-screen graphic adventure north america wild west