
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Best strategy games on GamesNostalgia - Page 11

Strategy games have a long history; ancient games of intellect like Chess have paved the way for modern masterpieces like Starcraft.

Utopia: The New Worlds amiga

Utopia: The New Worlds is a data-disk expansion to the sci-fi city building sim created by Gremlin Graphics. The data disk adds 10 new worlds to Utopia: The Creation of a Nation, each one with a new alien race.

Year: 1992 Genre: Strategy

business simulation city building isometric management science fiction strategy

Tanktics windows

Tanktics is a strategy game created by DMA Design and published by Interplay in 1999 for Windows. In this game, you have to build tanks, pick up the different pieces with your magn...

Year: 1999 Genre: Strategy

isometric logic management puzzle strategy strategy tactics tank

Siege dos

Siege is a fantasy strategy game based on combat between castles, developed by Mindcraft Software and released for PC MS-DOS only in 1992. The player can join either the Forces of Lights (humans, dwarves, elves, etc.

Year: 1992 Genre: Strategy

fantasy strategy

Gettysburg amiga

Gettysburg is a wargame created by Turcan Research and published for Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS in 1990 by Atari. As you can imagine, it's set during the American Civil War, parti...

Year: 1990 Genre: Strategy

american civil war historical battle history strategy turn-based strategy wargame

Dragon Lord amiga

Dragon Lord, released initially as Dragon's Breath in Europe, is a fantasy action-strategy game released in 1990 for Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS. The concept and gameplay of this t...

Year: 1990 Genre: Strategy

action strategy amiga original game d&d fantasy hotseat multiplayer strategy turn-based strategy

Bandit Kings of Ancient China amiga

Bandit Kings of Ancient China is a wargame/strategy game created by Koei. It was released in Japan in 1988 for MSX2. In 1990, it was ported to the US/European markets for MS-DOS, Amiga, and Macintosh.

Year: 1990 Genre: Strategy

hexagonal map historical battle history hotseat management msx multiplayer novel strategy turn-based strategy war wargame

Black Orchid amiga

Black Orchid is a fantasy turn-based strategy game created by Mundane Software for Atari ST and initially distributed via mail order. In 1989 it was ported to Amiga and distributed by Actual Screenshots (CRL) with the name Legend.

Year: 1989 Genre: Strategy

atari st fantasy strategy sword and sorcery turn-based strategy wargame

Critical Mass windows

Critical Mass (or Power) is a 1985 sci-fi videogame released for Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum, later ported to PC with an improved graphics..

Year: 1986 Genre: Strategy

science fiction strategy

Battle Chess 4000 dos

Battle Chess 4000 is part of the Battle Chess series based on the classic board game Chess. It was developed and published by Interplay in 1992 for DOS only. For those unfamiliar w...

Year: 1992 Genre: Strategy

board game chess science fiction strategy

The Lords of Midnight commodore-64

The Lords of Midnight is a mix of strategy and adventure games created in 1984 by Mike Singleton for the ZX Spectrum. In the following years, the Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC versions were also released.

Year: 1985 Genre: Strategy

adventure-strategy fantasy strategy zx spectrum

Z: The Game

Z (or Zed) is a sci-fi real-time strategy game developed by The Bitmap Brothers and published in 1996 for PC-MSDOS. The world of video games is really very intricate. We can notice...

Year: 1996 Genre: Strategy

mecha real-time rts science fiction strategy

Connex dos

Connex is a puzzle/strategy game published in 1992, similar to Pipe Dream but based on loops.

Year: 1992 Genre: Strategy

real-time strategy

Space Empires II windows-3.x

Space Empires is a series of galactic conquest and turn-based strategy games created by Malfador Machinations in the 90s. The first two titles, included in this package, were developed for Windows3.

Year: 1995 Genre: Strategy

management science fiction shareware strategy turn-based strategy